So whose been waiting for a hair post?? Well, here it is!! I don’t know about you BUT I love watching and reading on other girls hair stories, etc. I always walk away with a little more knowledge about hair...most of the time anyways. HA!
Naturally Curly |
For those wondering I have several different hair types in this head of mine. I would say I’m around a 3B/3C 🤔. Then there are some days I have no idea what my hair is doing. This changes depending upon the weather, hormones (that evil little visitor each month, if ya know what I mean), products used (yes, products can change your texture ie: coconut oil), stress, and the care or lack of care for my hair, LOL. All these things contribute to how my hair acts and feels. The crown of my head is the problem child *roll eyes*.
Where are all of my product junkies?? No worries, no judgment here, LOL. But I will say this, it’s about the quality NOT the quantity. Just because it worked or works for someone else’s hair DOES NOT mean it will work for yours. This is something that took me a very long time to learn. Instead of paying attention to how my hair felt and acted with each product, I was big on what was in the product, how it smelled (no one wants stinky hair...although I have some funnies that I'll share in another hair post), the packaging (don't you dare judge me), how THEIR hair looked using it, and every other silly thing you can think of. One day I sat down and asked myself “what works good for my hair? How does it feel when I use it? It is dry, does it feel like a protein/moisture overload? Would I repurchase the product?” To my surprise the answer was “NO” to a lot of the products I had. So, I did something that a lot of us product junkies dread doing...I started giving those products away. But you know what, I felt better after I did. When you narrow down your choices, you begin to choose more wisely. I was then able to focus on my hair health and not anyone else’s. Silly thing is, I felt accomplished. My curly girls understand this feeling. Disclaimer: DO NOT THROW ALL YOUR HAIR PRODUCTS AWAY, THEN BLAME ME! 😂😂
After 5 years of experimenting, I found my THING |
How do you choose your products you ask? Simple, how does YOUR hair feel and act when you use it? Simple as that. I hope you weren’t expecting this big elaborate speech. Most the time the right answer is always pretty simple (I said most, LOL). We just like to over analyze things. Its never too late to start taking care of your hair and finding out what your hair likes. It took me (drum roll please) 5 years to find out what was best for my hair. Why so long? Because I did everything BUT pay attention to the needs and the health of my hair when using products.
Bun & curls |
When looking for methods and products for your hair, there are so many YouTube. YouTube is awesome for so many things (one of my favorite social platforms) but it can also be an information overload at the same time. With that being said, another tip if you are going to look on YouTube, don’t just stick to someone with your hair type. I did this for the longest and their (girls with my hair type) products never worked for my hair. Curly hair has a mind of its own as it is, right? So by looking at different hair types and the products being used, I was able to try so many different things until I found MY STAPLE products. That word makes my heart happy, LOL. It just means a product that stays within your hair routine, regardless if you change something else in your product lineup.
I don’t want to give too much information at one time so I’ll end the blog here. BUT, I will be going into more detail about my routine and products I use, products I have used, etc. Don't worry curly's, I gotcha!! 👍🏽 I've attached more hair pics below, so you can get a better look at my curl pattern.
Proverbs 16:24
Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.