I have so much to share with you guys and I am so excited to finally start blogging. I'm not an expert in ANYTHING and I won't pretend to be. I'm simply here to share things from my point of view and some of my experiences, with hopes that it will get to who needs it. My grammar isn't perfect *rolls eyes*, so don't troll my page and look for every small mistake...because you WILL find them. LOL!

This year has been so crazy, but it has most definitely been a learning and growing experience. I can actually say an experience that changed me for the better. We'll get into that in another post so this is where I change the subject. HA. With fall approaching I can't wait to share some of my FAV FALL THINGS!! If any of you are like me, now is the time I begin to get crazy and go overboard with the holidays πŸ˜† I'll be the crazy person trying to put up the Christmas tree after Halloween...oh, this is a no judgment zone!!! So don't judge that last statement. HAHA. 

I am married to the sexiest man alive, who is currently deployed😭😭😭😭 and we have an 8 year old daughter. No worries, you'll meet them both soon. I can't wait to share, share, share, and then share some more. But that's what a blog is...right? Whew *wipes forehead*, aren't you glad the introduction blog is out of the way? I know I am. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰